Hopeless Wanderer and Hopeful Ponderer
Hopeless wanderer is the name of a song by
Mumford and Sons. A song that I happen to like and relate to. Hopeful ponderer
is a play on hopeless wanderer. Here I will hopefully ponder (do you see what I
did there?) on my experiences in life as I try to find my place in this (not
so) big (after all) world. [It’s a small world after all.] Here’s a little more
about me. There are about 7 million (!!!) people with my last name in the world.
That’s 1 in 1000 people, which is actually a lot, okay? There are 22 people with my full name in the
US alone. So, it’s safe to say that there is nothing unique about me,
right? Wrong! I am a unique child of God, full of potential, washed in the
blood of Christ. My personality type (because I love taking online quizzes) is
INTJ. Normally, I would have characterized myself as a pessimist, if not a
realist. That all changed when I saw the Swiss alps… and the Sistine chapel…
and so, so much more. (Don’t worry,
there are blog posts about it.) By day, I am a research scientist working
towards a Ph.D. in something science-y. By night (well, evening), I am a superhero
piano teacher. In my free time, I am a traveler. A wanderer. A wonderer. A
ponderer. Welcome to Detroit City my life…
Hunchback of Notre Dame
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